- Terrorism Analysis Platform
- The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project
- Global Conflict Tracker
- Political Geography Now
- Visualizing Turkey’s Foreign Policy Activism
- Turkey’s PKK Conflict: A Visual Explainer
- Turkish Peacekeeping Database
- Conflict Data
- Peace and Conflict Management Data
- Coups and Regime Change Data
- Human Rights Violations Data
- Broad Events Datasets
- Terrorism, Insurgency, Counterinsurgency
- Sanctions and Arms Embargoes
- SIPRI - Arms Transfers Database
- SIPRI - the Arms Trade Treaty Database
- SIPRI - Arms Industry Database
- SIPRI - Multilateral Peace Operations Database
- SIPRI - Military Expenditure Database
- SIPRI - Arms Embargoes
- SIPRI - National Reports on Arms Exports
- SIPRI - Financial Value of the Global Arms Trade
Terörizm Analiz Platformu (TAP)
Terörizm Analiz Platformu (TAP), 1970’ten 2020’ye kadar gerçekleştirilen yurt içi ve uluslararası terör saldırıları ile terörle mücadele operasyonlarını içeren açık kaynak istihbaratını temel alan bir veritabanıdır. İlk olarak PKK terörünü ve Türkiye’ye etkisini profesyonel bir şekilde analiz etme gayesiyle ortaya çıkan TAP projesi, daha sonra, özellikle Orta Doğu ve Kuzey Afrika bölgesindeki terörle ilgili olaylara odaklanan uluslararası bir terörizm veritabanına dönüştürülmüştür. TAP, 25.000’den fazla saldırı ve 15.000’den fazla terörle mücadele operasyonunu kapsayan 40.000’den fazla terör olayını içermektedir.
TAP, ulusal güvenlik ve istihbarat camiasındaki profesyonellere, uygulayıcılara, akademisyenlere ve terörizm araştırmaları analındaki araştırmacılara fayda sağlayacak kapsamlı analizler sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.
Terrorism Analysis Platform (TAP)
Terrorism Analysis Platform (TAP) is an open-source database containing domestic and international terrorist attacks and counter-terrorism operations around the world from 1970 through 2020. TAP project emerged as an idea to systematically analyze the PKK terrorism and its impact on Turkey, then it evolved into an international terrorism database particularly focusing on the terrorism-related events in the MENA region. TAP includes more than 40.000 terrorism events covering over 25.000 attacks and 15.000 counter-terrorism operations.
TAP aims to provide comprehensive analyses to benefit professionals in the national security and intelligence community, practitioners, academics, and researchers who work on terrorism studies.
Silahlı Çatışma Konumu ve Olay Verileri Projesi (ACLED)
Silahlı Çatışma Konumu ve Olay Verileri Projesi (ACLED), ayrıştırılmış bir veri toplama, analiz ve kriz haritalama projesidir. ACLED, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri, Afrika, Orta Doğu, Latin Amerika ve Karayipler, Doğu Asya, Güney Asya, Güneydoğu Asya, Orta Asya ve Kafkaslar, Avrupa genelinde bildirilen tüm siyasi şiddet ve protesto olaylarının tarihlerini, aktörlerini, yerlerini, ölümlerini ve türlerini toplamaktadır. ACLED ekibi, çatışma senaryolarını tanımlamak, araştırmak ve test etmek için analizler yapmakta ve hem verileri hem de analizleri ücretsiz kullanımına açık hale getirmeyi amaçlamaktadır.
ACLED, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde 501 (c) (3) statüsünde kayıtlı, kar amacı gütmeyen bir kuruluştur.
The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED)
The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) is a disaggregated data collection, analysis, and crisis mapping project. ACLED collects the dates, actors, locations, fatalities, and types of all reported political violence and protest events across Africa, the Middle East, Latin America & the Caribbean, East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia & the Caucasus, Europe, and the United States of America. The ACLED team conducts analysis to describe, explore, and test conflict scenarios and makes both data and analysis open for free use by the public.
ACLED is a registered non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status in the United States.
Küresel Çatışma İzleyicisi
Center for Preventive Action (CPA) Global Conflict Tracker, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin endişe duyduğu dünya çapında devam eden çatışmaları izleyen etkileşimli bir kılavuzdur. Harita, her bir çatışma hakkında arka plan bilgileri ve kaynakları olan yaklaşık otuz çatışmayı takip etmektedir.
Global Conflict Tracker
The Center for Preventive Action’s (CPA) Global Conflict Tracker is an interactive guide to ongoing conflicts around the world of concern to the United States. The map displays nearly thirty conflicts with background information and resources on each conflict.
Siyasi Coğrafya Şimdi
Political Geography Now (PolGeoNow), dünya ülkeleri, sınırları ve başkentlerinin yanı sıra çatışma bölgeleri ve ihtilaflı bölgelerin haritalarında meydana gelen değişiklikleri kayıt altına almaktadır. Her makale bilgilendirici, okunması kolay haritalar ve en son haberlerin kısa özetleri içermektedir. Sitenin, profesyoneller ve akademisyenler kadar öğretmenler ile coğrafya ve dünya siyasetiyle ilgilenen sıradan kişiler için de değerli bir kaynak olması amaçlanmıştır.
Siyasi olarak tamamen tarafsız olan, sadece ne olduğunu bildiren ve ne olması gerektiği konusunda asla pozisyon almıyan bir çizgi takip eden PolGeoNow, siyasi analiz ve politika önerileri için çok sayıda başka kaynak bulunan bir dünyada, içeriği hiçbir ülkeyi, grubu, siyasi partiyi veya ideolojiyi desteklemeyecek veya kınamayacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır.
Political Geography Now
Political Geography Now (PolGeoNow) chronicles changes to the world’s countries, borders, and capitals, as well as territorial control in conflict zones and disputed territories. Every article features informative, easy-to-read maps and concise summaries of the latest news. The site is intended to be a high-value resource for professionals and scholars as well as teachers and regular people interested in geography and world politics.
PolGeoNow strives hard to stay strictly politically neutral, reporting only what is, and never taking a position on what should be. In a world with plenty of other sources for political analysis and policy recommendations, PolGeoNow’s content is designed not to favor or condemn any country, group, political party, or ideology.
Bu çalışma bağlantısı, Güvenlik Portalında CATS (Centre for Applied Turkish Studies) Network izniyle yayımlanmaktadır. (The link to this study has been published on Security Portal with the courtesy of CATS Network)
Türkiye’nin Dış Politika Aktivizm’ini Görselleştirme
Sinem Adar, Hürcan Aslı Aksoy, Salim Çevik, Daria Isachenko, Moritz Rau
Bu görsel platform, Türkiye’nin artan dış politika aktivizmine genel bir bakış sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu sunum, Türkiye’nin yetenekleri ve araçları ile bunların Türk politika yapıcılar tarafından nasıl uygulandığına ilişkin kısa açıklayıcı metinleri, haritalar, çizelgeler ve diyagramlar ile birleştirmektedir. Ayırca, bu görsel anlatım, Türk dış politikasının doğru bir resmini çizmeyi de hedeflemektedir.
Visualizing Turkey’s Foreign Policy Activism
Sinem Adar, Hürcan Aslı Aksoy, Salim Çevik, Daria Isachenko, Moritz Rau
This visual platform aims to provide an overview of Turkey’s increased foreign policy activism. It combines maps, charts, and diagrams with short explanatory texts on Turkey’s capabilities and instruments as well as how these are deployed by Turkish policy-makers. The visual presentation seeks to paint an accurate picture of Turkish foreign policy.
Türkiye’nin PKK Çatışması: Bir Görsel Açıklayıcı
Uluslararası Kriz Grubu, 2011’den beri PKK ile girilen çatışmalardaki ölümlerin bir veri tabanı oluşturmuştur. Veriler, Türk medyası, Türk ordusu, yerel Kürt grupları ve PKK’nın kendisinden gelen raporlar da dahil olmak üzere açık kaynaklarda bulunan bilgilerden toplanarak oluşturulmuştur. Bu platform, toplanan verilerden elde edilebilecek bilgilerin bir kısmını sunmaktadır. Verilere ilişkin en son detaylı analiz için burayı tıklayın.
Turkey’s PKK Conflict: A Visual Explainer
International Crisis Group has assembled a database of fatalities in the PKK conflict since 2011. The data is based on information available in open sources, including reports from Turkish language media, the Turkish military, local Kurdish rights groups, and the PKK itself. This platform presents some of the information that can be gleaned from this data. For the latest detailed analysis that also draws on this data, click here.
TÜBAKOV (Türkiye Barışı Koruma Veri Tabanı)
Bu veri tabanı ile Soğuk Savaşın sona ermesinden sonra dünyada artarak süregelen barışı koruma faaliyetlerine Türkiye’nin ne ölçüde katkıda bulunduğu ve katkı eğilimleri tespit edilmek istenmektedir. Hâlihazırda Uluslararası İlişkiler yazınında bu hipotezi destekleyecek bulgular mevcuttur. Ancak bu bulgular anekdotlar, gözlemler ya da tekli tarihsel vak’alarla desteklenmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu kapsamda Türkiye Barışı Koruma Veri Tabanı Türkiye’nin dâhil olduğu barışı koruma faaliyetlerini içeren verileri sunmaktadır.
TÜBAKOV (Turkish Peacekeeping Database)
The Turkish Peacekeeping Database (TÜBAKOV) aims to reveal the extent of, and trends in, Turkey’s contribution to the growing number of peacekeeping operations since the end of the Cold War. In addition to data collection from primary and institutional sources, anecdotes, observations, and when required, unique historical cases were included to widen the scope of the work. The TÜBAKOV database is designed and established to cover the peacekeeping operations of Turkey has contributed to since the end of the Cold War within the scope of the research conducted as “Project on Analysis of Turkey’s Participation and Trends in Peacekeeping Operations”.
The annotated guide provided below was compiled by Jeremy Darrington, Politics Librarian at Princeton University. (Courtesy of Jeremy Darrington)
The Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) offers a number of datasets on organised violence in multiple data formats (they also provide an interactive Conflict Encyclopedia):
- Armed Conflict Dataset (1946+) in conflict-year and dyad-year versions
- geo-referenced event dataset, coding individual events of organized violence down to the village level and by day (1989+). Also includes a “conflict polygons” dataset showing the geographical spread of conflict.
- separate conflict onset and termination datasets (1946+)
- non-state conflicts, one-sided violence (also a separate file coding for ethnicity), and battle-related deaths (1989+)
- peace agreements, coding info about parties of the agreement and provisions of the accords (1975-2011)
- data on the existence, type, and providers of external support for all warring parties (1975-2009)
Extends the UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflicts Dataset to provide coordinates for the actual location of the armed conflicts. Covers 1946-2008; data in Excel.
ACLED is the most comprehensive public collection of political violence data for developing states, primarily in Africa and Asia. These data contain information on the specific dates and locations of political violence, the types of event, the groups involved, fatalities and changes in territorial control. Information is recorded on the battles, killings, riots, and recruitment activities of rebels, governments, militias, armed groups, protesters and civilians. Event data are derived from a variety of sources, mainly concentrating on reports from war zones, humanitarian agencies, and research publications. All ACLED data can be downloaded on this site by country in excel and GIS formats.
SCAD includes protests, riots, strikes, inter-communal conflict, government violence against civilians, and other forms of social conflict not systematically tracked in other conflict datasets. SCAD currently includes information on over 10,300 social conflict events from 1990 to 2012.
A spatio-temporal grid structure allowing for consistent comparisons in studying conflict composed of 0.5×0.5 decimal degree grid cells that cover all terrestrial areas of the world.
- Each grid cell contains data by grid cell on socio-economic conditions, ethnic groups, physical geography, climatic conditions, natural resources, and more.
- Designed to merge with UCDP Georeferenced Events, ACLED, and GeoEPR datasets.
- Downloadable as shapefiles and data in .csv format.
Various cross-national time-series conflict datasets, including data on forcibly displaced populations, major episodes of political violence, ethnic and revolutionary war, genocide, high casualty terrorist bombings, coups d’etat, and failed/fragile states. Dates vary, but mostly 1950s-present. Data downloadable in SPSS or Excel.
Major data collection on war, originally headed by J. David Singer and now Paul Diehl. Click on “Available Data Sets” on the left to get the data. Includes datasets covering COW country codes; inter-state, intra-state, non-state, and extra-state war; militarized interstate disputes; national material capabilities; alliances; contiguity; territorial change; IGOs; and bilateral trade.
Codes for territorial claims, river claims, maritime claims, and regime claims. Supplementary datasets include colonial history, historical state names, and multilateral treaties of pacific settlement.
The SVAC Dataset includes reports of conflict-related sexual violence committed by government/state military, pro-government militias, and rebel/insurgent forces. Covers all conflicts active in the years 1989-2009, as defined by the UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Database. Data were collected for all years of active conflict (defined by 25 battle deaths or more per year) and for five years post-conflict. Includes information about the prevalence, perpetrators, victims, forms, timing, and locations of the reported sexual violence by each armed actor in each conflict-year. Data is coded from reports by the U.S. State Department, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. Data in Excel.
Repository of micro-level, subnational event data on armed conflict and contention around the world that combines multiple open-source data collections in one comprehensive electronic archive. Currently includes data on armed conflict and contention from 156 countries (1969-2017), from 21 data sources, including both large data collections and individual scholars. xSub organizes these data into common units of analysis, by space (country, province, district, grid cell, electoral constituency) and time (year, month, week, day). Data in .csv and also available through an R package.
Figures and summary narratives on both international and internal armed conflicts in the world, whether dormant or active, since about 1960. Focus is on wars, terrorism, refugees and returnees, Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), fatalities, specific weapons used and their flows, and economic costs. Includes non-state parties.
Provides detailed dyadic information on electoral violence in 101 countries between 1995 and 2013. Covers national-level legislative and executive contests only. Electoral violence is measured in a ten-month window around each election. Data in .csv.
The annotated guide provided below was compiled by Jeremy Darrington, Politics Librarian at Princeton University. (Courtesy of Jeremy Darrington)
Source for research and data on security and conflict. SIPRI has databases on military expenditures, arms transfers, arms embargoes, and peacekeeping operations.
Drawing from UN archival records, the International Peace Institute at George Washington University presents data on peacekeeping missions of total uniformed personnel contributions by country, month, type (troop, police, or expert/observer), and by mission, 1990+. Also has data on gender and assessed contributions.
The PAM database is a unique source of qualitative and quantitative longitudinal data on the implementation of 34 Comprehensive Peace Agreements (CPAs) negotiated in civil wars between 1989 and 2012. The implementation history of each provision in an accord is tracked and scored, yielding a 10 year implementation score for each accord. The database can be searched by keyword, accord, or provision type.
Investigates the sources, processes, and outcomes of all military-security crises since the end of World War I, covering 470 crises and 1036 crisis actors. There is a system-level dataset covering the crises and another covering the actors. Includes scores of variables covering onset; actor attributes, behavior, and crisis management; superpower activity; involvement by international organizations; mediation and outcome; and more. Also includes text summaries of each crisis. Data in .csv.
Project of the Pardee Center at the University of Denver to measure various aspects of international relations. Datasets measure diplomatic representation, membership in (and importance of) intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), and signatories and ratifiers of multilateral treaties deposited at the UN. Generally 1945-present; datasets in Excel.
The annotated guide provided below was compiled by Jeremy Darrington, Politics Librarian at Princeton University. (Courtesy of Jeremy Darrington)
Data on both attempted and successful coups in dictatorships from 1970-2010. The dataset differentiates between reshuffling coups, which change the leader atop a regime but leave the regime structure intact, and regime change coups, which change the leader and lead to a new autocratic regime. Data in Stata format. Aksoy, Deniz, David B. Carter and Joseph G. Wright. 2015. “Terrorism and the Fate of Dictators.” World Politics http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0043887115000118
Provides a list of coups by country and by country-year. They define coups as “illegal and overt attempts by the military or other elites within the state apparatus to unseat the sitting executive,” and successes as episodes in which the perpetrators control power for at least 7 days. Data is in txt format and updated through 2015.
The CDP’s objective is to compile, for 165 countries in the post WWII era, a more comprehensive listing, documentation, and categorization of coups for use by researchers. The project is ongoing, but variables include date, COW country code, type of coup, and multiple indicators categorizing the actors involved, means used, and outcome of the coup attempts. Data in Excel.
List of FIRCs, with indicators for whether initiated by democracies and if institutional (vs. leadership) changes. (Located under the Supplementary Material tab.)
The annotated guide provided below was compiled by Jeremy Darrington, Politics Librarian at Princeton University. (Courtesy of Jeremy Darrington)
Codes government respect for 15 internationally recognized human rights for 202 countries, annually from 1981-2011. Data in Excel.
Global dataset that codes for the deliberate killing of non-combatant civilians in the context of a wider political conflict, 1995-present. Data are coded and georeferenced using human coding rather than automated methods. Data in Excel.
Drawing on reports by the U.S. State Dept. and Amnesty International, the PTS codes for state-perpetrated human rights violations, such as killings, torture, disappearances, and political imprisonment.
- Each country is scored on a 5 point scale based on the scale and severity of the abuses. Data in Excel, 1976+.
- Also includes SVS codes for societal violence by non-state actors, disaggregated by type of perpetrator and type of victim, 2013-2014.
The annotated guide provided below was compiled by Jeremy Darrington, Politics Librarian at Princeton University. (Courtesy of Jeremy Darrington)
GDELT monitors the world’s news media in print, broadcast, and web formats, in over 100 languages and records over 300 georeferenced categories of physical activities from riots and protests to peace appeals and diplomatic exchanges across the entire planet dating back to January 1, 1979 and updated every 15 minutes. Nearly 60 attributes are captured for each event, including the approximate location of the action and those involved. Algorithms translate the textual descriptions of world events captured in the news media into codified entries in the form WHO-DOES WHAT-TO WHOM (e.g., RUSSIA TROOP-DEPLOY UKRAINE (CRIMEA)). Data is available in multiple formats. For smaller extracts (up to 20,000 records), use the Exporter Tool.
Global event data made available by a DARPA-funded project. Event data consists of coded interactions between socio-political actors. Events are automatically identified and extracted from news articles by an algorithmic event coder. These events are triples consisting of a source actor, an event type (according to the CAMEO taxonomy of events), and a target actor. Geographical-temporal metadata are also extracted and associated with the relevant events within a news article. Data in tab delimited format, 1995-present (one year lag). Purely U.S. domestic events are excluded. (See also the text_to_CAMEO program to convert the files to a more standard event data format.)
Includes several million events extracted from 14 million news stories in the New York Times (1945-2005), the BBC Monitoring’s Summary of World Broadcasts (1979-2015) and the CIA’s Foreign Broadcast Information Service (1995-2004). Documents the agents, locations, and actions in a wide variety of events using the CAMEO coding scheme. Data in .csv.
Conflict data include purges, riots, revolutions, anti-government demonstrations, assassinations, general strikes, guerrilla warfare, coups d’etat, size of military, and national defense expenditure. Select data back to 1815.
The annotated guide provided below was compiled by Jeremy Darrington, Politics Librarian at Princeton University. (Courtesy of Jeremy Darrington)
Detailed news, analysis, and data on terrorism.
- database of over 350,000+ geocoded global terrorist and insurgent events 2009-present, with extensive array of indicators for targets, tactics, groups, and casualties
- includes extensive array of variables on counterterrorism events
- profiles of nearly 300 terrorist and insurgent groups across the world, covering threat assessment, aims and objectives, tactics, targets, areas of operation, personnel, recruitment, and rivalries
- country analysis and briefings
- thousands of news articles and analyses
- visualization tools (maps, charts, etc.)
Data on Attacks/Incidents
Database on global terror incidents.
- 170,000+ incidents from 1970 to present
- includes domestic, transnational, and international incidents
- date, location (country and city), weapons used, type of target, casualties, perpetrator, source of information
Dataset coding more than 14,000 incidents of international or transnational terrorism that have an international impact, 1968-2016.
- more than 40 variables covering aspects of the incident, terrorists, victims, damages and casualties, and logistical success
- supplemental files address characteristics and fates of both hostages and terrorists after attacks
- data in Excel format
Data on terrorism incidents 1968-2009, covering over 40,000 incidents of international and domestic terrorism.
- Search by date, region, country, perpetrator, tactic, weapon, target, # of fatalities, and more.
- Full database can be downloaded in Excel.
Searchable database on all suicide attacks 1974-2016 (more than 5,000 attacks).
- location, target type, and weapon used
- demographic and biographical characteristics of suicide attackers
- draws from native language sources (e.g., Arabic, Hebrew, Russian, Tamil) in addition to English
Profiles and Analyses of Groups, Leaders, & Vulnerable Countries
Traces the evolution of militant organizations and their interactions over time. Features:
- interactive maps chart relationships among groups over time
- individual maps for Syria, Iraq, Italy, North Caucasus, Philippines, Somalia, and Pakistan
- global maps of the Islamic State and Al Qaeda
- in-depth profiles of individual groups
- covers group size, formation, ideology, activity, leaders, resources, ties to other groups, and community relationships
- interactive maps chart relationships among groups over time
Major collection of terrorism profiles, news, analysis, and primary sources.
- profiles of more than 4,600 terrorists, terrorists groups, lone wolves, hate groups, and abettors of political violence
- content can be browsed by ideology, tactics, target, group, or region
- profiles of vulnerable regions and cities
- analytical essays on groups, trends, and developments
- live feed of terrorism news and archives of text and video primary sources
- access to a large consortium of political violence experts worldwide
Detailed and well-sourced profiles of extremist groups and individual leaders, including details on organizational structure, financing, recruitment, and more.
Features descriptive profiles on more than 100 terrorist groups. Also includes entries on key individuals, tactics/methods, culture/ideology, and more.
Independent research center at West Point for the study of terrorism.
- reports on terrorist strategy, structure, and ideology
- a database of primary source documents captured in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere that contextualize the inner-functioning of al-Qa’ida and other security threats
- a militant imagery project documenting visual motifs
- reports and primary source documents (with translations) on the Islamic State in Syria & Iraq (ISIL/ISIS).
Monthly in-depth profiles of the most important and under-analyzed leaders of extremist and militant movements around the world.
Identifies, compiles, and analyzes micro-level conflict data on insurgency, civil war, and other political violence worldwide.
- demography/socioeconomics, geography, infrastructure, public opinion, violence data in GIS and tabular forms
- Afghanistan, Colombia, Iraq, Mexico, Pakistan, Philippines, Vietnam
- links to external data repositories for the countries covered
Measures the positive and negative reputation building efforts of domestic terror groups.
- 443 groups, 1980-2011
- positive indicators: public goods provision, media power, and political party existence
- negative indicators: forced recruitment, child recruitment, and forced funding
Tracks radical Islamist movements on a national, regional and global level.
- Browse by movement or by country.
- Entries detail radical Islamist activity and the relationship of Islam to society and the state.
Counterinsurgency & Government Responses
Database tracking US drone strikes in Pakistan and Yemen (and soon Somalia).
- annual data from 2009 on
- location, target, military and civilian casualties, links to news reports
- graphs, charts, and maps of strikes
Codes information on pro-government militias for all countries from 1981 to 2007.
Codes state action toward terrorist organizations or their constituencies on a day-to-day basis.
- covers Israel 1987-2004 and Canada 1985-2013
Official list of foreign terrorist organizations as designated by the U.S. Secretary of State
Interactive literature review of qualitative and/or quantitative research examining 183 different hypotheses on how VEOs may be negatively influenced.
The annotated guide provided below was compiled by Jeremy Darrington, Politics Librarian at Princeton University. (Courtesy of Jeremy Darrington)
Game theoretic models predict that sanctions that would be effective typically would bring about change in the target’s behavior at the threat stage and would never be applied. To test these models, this project has collected data on instances of both the threat and implementation of sanctions during the period from 1945-2005.
E-book version of the 3d edition of Hufbauer’s classic text on economic sanctions. Chapter appendices have lists of cases and additional info. Selected and updated case studies are available online.
This database gives information on all multilateral arms embargoes that have been implemented by an international organization, such as the EU or UN, or by a group of nations. It includes both legally binding embargoes and those that are solely political commitments. It provides details of the aims, scope and amendments to all arms embargoes that are in force, or have been in force since 1998 and to most that were in force before 1998.
Information on official UN measures and sanctions imposed on individuals and entities.
Comparative assessment of the impacts and effectiveness of UN targeted sanctions regimes over the past twenty years. Focuses on case episodes within a broader country analysis to track changes in targeted sanctions over time. Also analyzes their effectiveness in terms of the different purposes of targeted sanctions, whether they are intended to coerce, constrain, or signal targets. Quantitative database to be released in 2014. Also see their site http://www.sanctionsapp.com/.
Information on EU sanctions as implemented under the Common Foreign & Security Policy (CFSP).
Very clear presentation of information on sanctions implemented by the UK against various countries and groups.
Best source for CRS reports, hearings, Congressional committee reports, and more on sanctions, embargoes, etc. Try searching for “international sanctions” or “embargoes” with a country name or within a certain date range.
“The Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) of the US Department of the Treasury administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions based on US foreign policy and national security goals against targeted foreign countries and regimes, terrorists, international narcotics traffickers” and others.
The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) controls export embargoes of arms and defense items to sanctioned countries. Maintains a list of embargoed countries with a link to official Federal Register notices of embargoes.
List of nonproliferation sanctions maintained by the Dept. of State.
The Bureau’s mission is “to protect the security of the United States, which includes its national security, economic security, cyber security, and homeland security” by “implementing and enforcing the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), which regulate the export and reexport of most commercial items.” Most items BIS regulates are “dual-use” items–those that have both commercial and military or proliferation applications.
SIPRI Arms Transfers Database
The SIPRI Arms Transfers Database shows all international transfers of major conventional arms since 1950 and is the most comprehensive publicly available source of information on international arms transfers.
SIPRI Mapping ATT-Relevant Cooperation and Assistance Activities Database
The SIPRI Mapping ATT-relevant Cooperation and Assistance Activities Database provides information on cooperation and assistance activities in the field of arms transfer and small arms and light weapons (SALW) controls. The database supports states’ implementation of the 2001 UN Programme of Action on SALW and the 2013 Arms Trade Treaty and includes activities carried out since 2012.
SIPRI Arms Industry Database
The SIPRI Arms Industry Database contains information on the 100 largest arms-producing and military services companies.
SIPRI Multilateral Peace Operations Database
The SIPRI Multilateral Peace Operations Database offers information on all multilateral peace operations conducted since 2000, including statistics on personnel, country contributions, fatalities and budgets.
SIPRI Military Expenditure Database
The SIPRI Military Expenditure Database gives the annual military spending of countries since 1949, allowing comparison of countries’ military spending in local currency at current prices; in US dollars at constant prices and exchange rates; and as a share of GDP.
Arms Embargoes
SIPRI gives information on all arms embargoes that have been implemented by an international organization, such as the EU or UN, or by a group of nations. All embargoes that are in force, or have been in force since 1998, are included.
National Reports on Arms Exports
SIPRI provides links to all publicly accessible national reports on arms exports. These are constantly updated to include links to newly published national reports on arms exports.
Financial Value of the Global Arms Trade
Using reports from the National reports archive, SIPRI estimates the financial value of arms exports.