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Koc University

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Rumelihisarı Campus
Istanbul, Türkiye

Ocak 2020

9th Annual Eurasian Peace Science Conference

13 Ocak 2020 - 14 Ocak 2020
Koc University, Rumelihisarı Campus
Istanbul, Türkiye

Koc University invites proposals for the 9th Annual Eurasian Peace Science Conference which will take place on 13-14 January 2020 at the Rumelifeneri campus of Koç University in Istanbul, Turkey.  The conference’s goals are to broaden cooperation and intellectual dialogue amongst Eurasian and Middle Eastern peace science scholars, to encourage the fruitful interaction with the worldwide peace science community, and to bring together the most updated and relevant research on conflict and peace-related topics from throughout the entire world. All aspects of the peace…

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