NATO-EU Security Relations in the Post-9/11 Security Era20190902213922
The Making of European Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP): The Capability Gap and its Implications on NATO20190902113026
The Evolution of the Responsibility to Protect Doctrine in the Rhetoric and Actions of the Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council20190902112649
Perceptions of Foreign and Security Policies in Egypt after the Arab Spring20190902112457
Japan’s Search for Ontological Security in the Post-Cold War Period: The Reconfiguration of Trusting Relationships in East Asia20190902112202
Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union and the Role of the European Parliament in CFSP from a Supranationalist Outlook20190902111852
The Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program: An Effective Regime to Stem Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction20190902104650
Collecive Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) and the Limitations of Russia’s Influence over the other CSTO Member States20190831222556
Analyzing the League of Arab States and the Gulf Cooperation Council within the Framework of Security Regionalism in the Middle East20190831221712
Internal Security and the New Border Management Model of the EU: Migration-Security Nexus20190831221329
Türkiye’nin Güvenlik Algılamaları Açısından 1979 İslam Devrimi Sonrası İran Dış Politikası20190830220444
Migration and Security: History, Practice and Theory20190830180658
Euro-Mediterranean Security and Italy: From the Regional Security Complex Theory Perspective20190830180154
The Middle East as a Regional Security Complex: Continuities and Changes in Turkish Foreign Policy Under the JDP Rule20190830175930
Analysis of the Role of the European Union as a Foreign and Security Policy Actor in the Post-9/11 Era: The Middle East Peace Process20190830175413
Post-Cold War US National Security Policy and the Middle East: A Case Study of the Gulf War20190830174850
German Foreign and Security Policy: Sustaining Civilian and Multilateral Orientation20190829213452
The Politics of Global Security in the EU: Transatlantic Relations and Terrorism20190829213324
The ESDP as the Last Stage of the EU’s Security Integration20190829161150
Security Dimension of European Integration in the Context of Changing International System20190829160244
Yeni Güvenlik Algılaması Kapsamında Küresel Isınma20190922225139
Russia’s Soft Security Policy under Vladimir Putin: 2000-200820190829155450
Security Regionalism in Central Asia20190829153612
Security First Approach: Causes of Security Prioritization and Implications of this Prioritization on Democracy in the Cases of Singapore and Azerbaijan20190829153322
European Union’s Common Foreign and Security Policy and Turkey from a Rational Institutionalist Outlook20190829144604
Terör ve Terörizm20190922225329
The Role and Impact of the United Nations in Confronting International Terrorism in the Aftermath of September 11: Prospects and Challenges in the Fight Against Global Jihadism20190829144415
Transformation of NATO in the Face of Transnational Terrorism20190829144118
Turkey’s Role in the European Security and Defence Policy20190829132652
The Changing Security Perceptions of the United States and the European Union in the Mediterranean Region20190829130014
A Content Analysis of the Security Dimension of the Turkish Accession to the European Union20190829125730
Rusya’da Ulusal Güvenlik Anlayışının Dönüşümü (1991-2006)20190829111123
The United Nations Security Council Reforms in a Changing World Order20190829101841
Evolution of European Security and Defense Policy and its Prospects20190829101711
Turkish-American Relations (1945-1980): Quest for Security and Adapting to Change20190829101525
European Union Common Foreign and Security Policy and Potential Contributions of Turkey20190829101308
La Politique Europeenne de Securite et de Defense et les Relations Transatlantiques20190829100833
European Security & Defense Policy What Is Needed for the European Security?20190828234022
The Transatlantic Security Relations in the 21st Century: New Security Challenges and the Transformation of NATO20190828233828
A Common Foreign and Security Policy Towards the Caucasus: With Special Reference to Some EU Member States20190828233358
The Role of the Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (Osce) in the Transdniestr Conflict and the Russian Factor20190828232947
The Analysis of Turkey’s Security Culture in Line with the Europeanization Process20190828232706
Weak States and Security20190828232052
L’idee de la Communaute de Securite en Asie Centrale: Dynamiques Internes et Facteurs Externes20190828231717
Uluslararası Güvenliği Yeniden Düşünmek: Uluslararası İlişkiler Disiplininde Feminist Eleştiriler20190828145416
NATO’nun Evrimi ve Türkiye’nin Transatlantik Güvenliğe Katkıları20190828143227
Füze Tehdidi ve NATO Füze Kalkanı: Türkiye Açısından Bir Değerlendirme20190828124407
NATO Neden Genişledi? Uluslararası İlişkiler Kuramları Işığında NATO’nun Genişlemesi ve ABD-Rusya İç Siyaseti20190827174238
Re-thinking the “inter” in International Politics20190828123823
Feminist Responses to International Security Studies20190827120046
Power and Weakness20190827115531
The Lonely Superpower20190827112707
Realism, Neoliberalism, and Cooperation: Understanding the Debate20190828123025
Insecurity and State Formation in the Global Military Order: The Middle Eastern Case20190826170037
What Is Security?20190826164613
Security Studies and the End of the Cold War20190826165219
The Clash of Civilizations?20190826163752
The Emerging Structure of International Politics20190826164033
Back to the Future, Part II: International Relations Theory and Post-Cold War Europe20190828152215
Security, Sovereignty, and the Challenge of World Politics20190826142038
The Emerging Regional Security Complex in Central Asia: Shanghai Cooperation Organization (Sco) and Challenges of the Post 9/11 World20190828101315
Soft Power20190826160425
Back to the Future: Instability in Europe after the Cold War20190828121048
Back to the Future, Part III: Realism and the Realities of European Security20190828152500
How the West Was One: Representational Politics of NATO20190826160053
The EU-NATO Relations in the Post-Cold War European Security: Cohabitation Or Separation?20191110112559
Achieving Cooperation under Anarchy: Strategies and Institutions20190828112946
Explaining Cooperation under Anarchy: Hypotheses and Strategies20190828112332
Security in the Third World: The Worm About to Turn?20190826133629
Economic Structure and International Security: The Limits of the Liberal Case20190826135555
Deterrence and Perception20190828111712
Redefining Security20190826133344
The Common Foreign and Security Policy: The European Union’s Quest for Being a Coherent and Effective Actor in Global Politics20190827195626
Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory20190828120437
Managing Nuclear Multipolarity20190826124055
The European Security and Defense Policy and Its Implementation in Kosovo and Post-September 1120190827194644
Security In The Third World20190827194401
International Security Assistance Force20190827185508
Cooperation Under the Security Dilemma20190826122352
ESDP, The Controversial Issue Between Turkey and the EU: Different Security Concepts20190827185309
Rationality at the Brink: The Role of Cognitive Processes in Failures of Deterrence20190826122737
Terrorism and International Law20190827184646
Domestic Structure and Foreign Policy20190828103304
The Stability of a Bipolar World20190826120607
The Balance of Power: Prescription, Concept, or Propaganda20190828102414
The Delicate Balance of Terror20190826120011
Britain and European Security Integration: British Perspectives on European Security Matters Between 1945-200320190827145049
Cooperative Security in the Black Sea Region20190827143302
Political and Security Dimensions of the U. S. Ballistic Missile Defense20190827143113
L’ıdentite Europeenne De Securite Et De Defense: Un Parcours Difficile20190827142642
The Changing Dimensions of Security After the Cold War20191110114007
Transformation of OSCE and Its Role in European Security After Cold War20191110113518
The EU’s Evolving Common Foreign and Security Policy20190827121236
The European Union and Turkey in the Realm of the Common Foreign and Security Policy20190827120824
European Security and Defense Policy and Its Implications for Turkey20190827111637
Political and Security Dimensions of the Euphrates and Tigris20190827111255
Turkey and the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP): Anatomy of a Problematic Relationship20190827111026
The European Security Initiatives and Turkey with Special Reference to CFSP and ESDI20190827110804
The European Security and Defense Identity (ESDI) and Turkey20190827110515
International Terrorism in the Age of Globalization20190827110032