Insecurity and State Formation in the Global Military Order: The Middle Eastern Case20190826170037
Multiple Identities, Interfacing Games: The Social Construction of Western Action in Bosnia20190826171800
Constructing National Interests20190826170404
Identity and Security: Buzan and the Copenhagen School20190826165514
Competing Visions for U.S. Grand Strategy20190826172128
A Genealogy of the Chemical Weapons Taboo20190826164907
Why Do Neighbors Fight? Proximity, Interaction, or Territoriality20190828115625
What Is Security?20190826164613
Security Studies and the End of the Cold War20190826165219
Reclaiming the Clausewitzian Trinity20190828150627
War and Politics: The Revolution in Military Affairs and the Continued Relevance of Clausewitz20190828150931
The Clash of Civilizations?20190826163752
The Emerging Structure of International Politics20190826164033
The Security Dilemma and Ethnic Conflict20190826163437
Power Transitions and Great Power War from Westphalia to Waterloo20190828115408
A Tale of Two Worlds: Core and Periphery in the Post-Cold War Era20190826162034
Renaissance in Security Studies? Caveat Lector!20190826161430
Public Opinion, Domestic Structure, and Foreign Policy in Liberal Democracies20190828122207
The Renaissance of Security Studies20190826161224
Security and Emancipation20190826160657
The Role of Neoconservative Ideas in the Security Policies of the First George W. Bush Administration20190828101845
Continuity and Change in Greek Security Perceptions and Priorities in the Post-Cold War Era20190828101520
Back to the Future, Part II: International Relations Theory and Post-Cold War Europe20190828152215
Security, Sovereignty, and the Challenge of World Politics20190826142038
The Emerging Regional Security Complex in Central Asia: Shanghai Cooperation Organization (Sco) and Challenges of the Post 9/11 World20190828101315
Is There any Security Preference for Turkey Between the EU and the U.S.A ?20190828100939
Soft Power20190826160425
Back to the Future: Instability in Europe after the Cold War20190828121048
A Constructivist Analysis of Turkey’s Foreign and Security Policy in the Post- Cold War Era20190828100735
The Place of Energy Security in European Union Security and Defence Policy20190828100342
The Case Against Linking Environmental Degradation and National Security20190826141548
Back to the Future, Part III: Realism and the Realities of European Security20190828152500
How the West Was One: Representational Politics of NATO20190826160053
The Changing Face of War: Into the Fourth Generation20190828151656
The EU in the Age of ‘New’ Terrorism: Challenges, Responses, and Visions20190828095107
Geopolitical Discourse: The Soviet Union As Other20190826140504
The Theory of Hegemonic War20190828114200
The Origins of War in Neorealist Theory20190828115057
The EU-NATO Relations in the Post-Cold War European Security: Cohabitation Or Separation?20191110112559
Geopolitical Discourse Matters: Turkey and Israel20191110112209
Declining Power and the Preventive Motivation for War20190828113647
Liberalism and World Politics20190828113239
Achieving Cooperation under Anarchy: Strategies and Institutions20190828112946
Explaining Cooperation under Anarchy: Hypotheses and Strategies20190828112332
Security in the Third World: The Worm About to Turn?20190826133629
Transarmament: From Offensive to Defensive Defense20190826135251
The Offensive/Defensive Balance of Military Technology: A Theoretical and Historical Analysis20190826134623
Why Even Good Defenses May be Bad20190826134917
Multidimensional Security Concept and Its Implications for Post-Cold War Europe and Turkey20190827221557
Peace, Power, and Security: Contending Concepts in the Study of International Relations20190828104328
Economic Structure and International Security: The Limits of the Liberal Case20190826135555
Greece’s Defense & Security Policy After Cold War20190827221306
Breakpoints of US Foreign Policy and its Changing Structure in W. Bush Era20190827220440
Gramsci, Hegemony and International Relations : An Essay in Method20190828120610
Rethinking Modern International Collective Security and The Road Ahead of Transformation of NATO20190922225905
Emerging Chinese Foreign and Defence Policy in Asia-Pasific20190827200419
Deterrence and Perception20190828111712
Redefining Security20190826133344
Mediterranean Security Role of NATO20190827200206
The Israeli Security Policy: Changes and Continuities20190827195840
Misperception and the Causes of War: Theoretical Linkages and Analytical Problems20190828111945
Nuclear War and Climatic Catastrophe: Some Policy Implications20190826134234
The Common Foreign and Security Policy: The European Union’s Quest for Being a Coherent and Effective Actor in Global Politics20190827195626
Poland’s Post-Cold War Eastern Foreign and Security Policy in the Framework of its Democratization and European Integration Processes20190827195326
Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory20190828120437
Managing Nuclear Multipolarity20190826124055
Changing United States Foreign Policy after September 11 in the Context of Security with Special Reference to Turkey20190827194918
Strategic Stability Reconsidered20190826123741
The European Security and Defense Policy and Its Implementation in Kosovo and Post-September 1120190827194644
Why Nuclear Superiority Doesn’t Matter20190826123439
Security In The Third World20190827194401
International Security Assistance Force20190827185508
Cooperation Under the Security Dilemma20190826122352
ESDP, The Controversial Issue Between Turkey and the EU: Different Security Concepts20190827185309
Rationality at the Brink: The Role of Cognitive Processes in Failures of Deterrence20190826122737
The Links Between International Terrorism and Organized Crime; New Dimensions In 21st Century20190827184911
An American Social Science: International Relations20190828103711
Arms Control and World Order20190826122051
Strategic Studies and Its Critics20190826121656
Terrorism and International Law20190827184646
Domestic Structure and Foreign Policy20190828103304
International Theory: The Case for a Classical Approach20190828110634
The Sharing of Nuclear Responsibilities: A Problem in Need of Solution20190826121203
The Stability of a Bipolar World20190826120607
International Relations: The Long Road to Theory20190828102712
The Balance of Power: Prescription, Concept, or Propaganda20190828102414
Another “Great Debate”: The National Interest of the United States20190826115030
“National Security” as an Ambiguous Symbol20190826114448
The Sources of Soviet Conduct20190821143459
Collective Identity Formation and the International State20190828122402
The Delicate Balance of Terror20190826120011
Geography and Foreign Policy, II20190827174805
Geography and Foreign Policy, I20190827174948
Britain and European Security Integration: British Perspectives on European Security Matters Between 1945-200320190827145049
Post-Cold War Security in Europe: From Collective Defense Back to Collective Security20191110113151
Cooperative Security in the Black Sea Region20190827143302
Political and Security Dimensions of the U. S. Ballistic Missile Defense20190827143113
Civil-Military Relations in Soviet Defensemaking: From Brezhnev to Gorbachev20190827142832
Transnational Terrorism Under Structural Realism20190827142404
New Dimensions of United Nations Peacekeeping in the Post-Cold War Era: A Study of United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR) in the Former Yugoslavia20191110114202