Gasland (2010)20210220191551
A Crude Awakening – The Oil Crash (2006)20210220191220
A Crude Awakening – The Oil Crash (2006)
Bedi Çelik20 Şubat 2021Almanya-Germany, İsviçre-Switzerland, Çevre ve Ekolojik Güvenlik, Environmental and Ecologic Security, Ekonomik Güvenlik, Economic Security, Kaynak Güvenliği (Enerji-Su-Gıda vd.), Resource Security (Energy-Water-Food etc.), English0 comments
Invisibles (2007)20210220190626
Decoding the Weather Machine (2018)20210220190255
Kandahar (2001)20210220182047
También La Lluvia (2010)20210220181428
También La Lluvia (2010)
Bedi Çelik20 Şubat 2021Spanish, Fransa-France, İspanya-Spain, Meksika-Mexico, Çevre ve Ekolojik Güvenlik, Environmental and Ecologic Security, İnsani Güvenlik, Human Security, Kaynak Güvenliği (Enerji-Su-Gıda vd.), Resource Security (Energy-Water-Food etc.), English0 comments
Energy Security20201205032025
Energy Security
New Security Frontiers: Critical Energy and the Resource Challenge20201205020417
Climate Change, Food Security and Natural Resource Management: Regional Case Studies from Three Continents20201205020214
Energy Security: Policy Challenges and Solutions for Resource Efficiency20201205015957
Understanding Planetary Security: A Post-Humanist Paradigm in Approaching Energy Security and Climate Crisis20201119125313
Geopolitical Impact of Eastern Mediterranean Gas; The Case of Relations Between Egypt and Israel20201118215253
The Place of Energy Security in the International Relations Theories on the Axis of Supply, Demand & Transit Security20201118211553
Understanding the Prospective Role of Renewable Energy in Pakistan’s Energy Security Strategy Under Vision 2025: A Qualitative Inquiry20201116152922
The Role of Transanatolian Natural Gas Pipeline in the European Union Energy Supply Security20201116152243
State Identity, Energy Security and Foreign Policy: A Comparative Analysis of Germany and Turkey20201114145027
Politics of Food Security: Foreign Agro İnvestments20201114144442
Examining the Transformation of South Stream to The Turkstream: An Analysis from Energy Security Perspective20201114144341
Importance of LNG in Turkish Natural Gas Supply Security20201113143736
The Concept of Energy Security in the Russia – European Union Relations: The Crucial Aspect of the Blurred Russian Foreign Policy20201113142338
From “Energy Bridge” to “Energy Hub”?: Evolving Discourses of Geopolitics of Energy Transportation in Turkey (1991-2014)20201112224108
Analyzing the Impact of Climate Change on Energy Security Policy of Russia in the Arctic Region20201109221817
Energy – Security Nexus in the Gulf20190904213315
A Comparative Study of Turkey’s Energy Security Policies towards Kazakhstan and Iraq20190904190242
Natural Gas Diplomacy of Russia with the EU and Turkey: Political and Security Versus Economic and Environmental Dimensions20190904101354
Israel in South Caucasus: Security and Energy Challenges20190829155626
Enerji Güvenliği: NATO’nun Yeni Tehdit Algısı20190828124607
The Place of Energy Security in European Union Security and Defence Policy20190828100342
The Caspian Pipeline Games: A Knot of Geopolitics and Economics20191110115849
Geopolitical Importance and Impacts of Baku-Ceyhan Oil Pipeline and Factors Influencing Its Construction20191110131641
Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi20190820212512
Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi
Bedi Çelik20 Ağustos 2019Barış Çalışmaları ve Çatışma Çözümü, Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution, Barışı Koruma Harekatları, Peacekeeping Operations, Çevre ve Ekolojik Güvenlik, Environmental and Ecologic Security, Deniz Güvenliği, Maritime Security, Ekonomik Güvenlik, Economic Security, İnsani Güvenlik, Human Security, İnsani Müdahale, Humanitarian Intervention, Intelligence, Jeopolitik ve Strateji, Geopolitics and Strategy, Kaynak Güvenliği (Enerji-Su-Gıda vd.), Resource Security (Energy-Water-Food etc.), Kitle İmha Silahları, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Kuramsal Çalışmalar, Theoretical Studies, Savaş ve Silahlı Çatışma, War and Armed Conflict, Siber Güvenlik, Cybersecurity, Silahlı Kuvvetler, Armed Forces, Terörizm, Terrorism, Uluslararası Güvenlik, International Security, Türkçe0 comments
Güvenlik Bilimleri Dergisi20200629124441
Savunma Bilimleri Dergisi20190820212619
Asian Security20190820212325
Armed Forces & Society20190820212417
Comparative Strategy20190820212203
Conflict, Security & Development20190820212018
Critical Studies on Security20190820211555
European Security20190820210948
Handbook of Transitions to Energy and Climate Security20190718221247